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A member registered Jan 29, 2020

Recent community posts

Is there a torrent dl or could we get one? I cant seem to download it otherwise :(

I feel privileged getting to play this game! Wonderful update, loved every second of it. I noticed som misspelling and weird wording towards the end but guessing Beege will have it fixed soon enough. Thanks once again and take care!

(1 edit)

A great game, very interesting story so far and alot of goodies everywhere. The luck of the MC is a superpower in itself :P  I wish i got amnesia just so I could replay the game fresh again. Looking forward to the future updates! 

Best wishes to Killer and all who contributed to the game!

Just finished the game and I applaud you for your work! I found myself very immersed and enjoyed it quite alot, a very nice experience.  The N64 segment...   Pure gold.
Look forward to your next updates and hope you're doing well!